Monday, June 20, 2011

Can a Charger Mom get the REAL Concept

A few months back, I was busy working on my computer when my daughter screamed from the other room. "Mom, you are NOT a Charger Fan!" Most of the time, she speaks out of frantic disillusionment of my abilities to communicate. Never mind the fact that I'm an award winning author, have mentored and coached more people in my life than she's met or that I have a degree somewhere in my collection of paperwork that says I do know how to communicate.

"Not particularly," came my response from the office.

"This calls you a Charger-Mom. Not even a FAN at all, but a Mom of a Charger." Her accusation struck me as funny.

She's 25 going hard on 26 and doesn't catch the humor in her statement. I'm laughing, literally roaring with laughter, realizing that she's missed the whole point of the term "Charger" before Mom. She has two children, I have four.

When I finally gasp a breath, the realization that I'm going to have to explain the concept brings back the humor. I take a deep breath and try to ignore the fury in her face (an avid Broncos fan) as she faces me off from the door to my office.

"Honey, Charger-Mom has nothing to do with any football team," I start.

She interrupts, "You should know that's what people are going to think!"

"I don't care what people think! I start again. Charger-Mom has to do with my being the mother of four rather active and busy young teenager - adults, operating five (count 'em) businesses from my home office, continuing to home school two of the four children, and being a writer on top of all that. Not to mention... being grandmother to three wonderful grandchildren - two of them yours." I stop, smile and wait for the realization to hit her.

It doesn't.

She's still furiously attacking me for being a CHARGER-Mom.

Her world may never be the same again, since she can't quite get a grip on the concept of a mom charging into action to CHANGE the world and make it a better place for your "young things" and other folks.

That's probably what makes me the Coolest woman on the planet!

And that doesn't even start to explain the amount of times that I've been the one searching for a car charger and my CHILDREN have referred to me as the "charger mom" because I can't find the car charger... or some other strange car charger story...

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